18 Things You Might Not Know About Me


18 Things You Might Not Know About Me

My first blog post on the new website yeeeew! Some of you may be following me since the beginning, but there’s a few new faces around (hiiiii) so I thought I’d share a bit more about myself on here.

If you have more questions, feel free to comment below and I’d love to answer!

  1. I speak three languages and have never lived in one place for more than three years at a time. I’ve had the amazing privilege of calling Germany, Switzerland, Paris, London, Dubai, the US and now Australia, my home. 

  2. I work full-time for a brand entertainment agency whilst having my own health coaching business and wellness blog on the side. The side hustle is real!

  3. My favourite motto to live by is: “You don’t have the be the same person you were five minutes ago.” This quote has accompanied me from the beginning of my recovery journey. It reminds me to not fall into the “all or nothing mentality” and that I am in control of my mindset at all times.

  4. I’m a morning person and honestly can’t think of a better way to start my day than with a workout. It just gets me into a good mood and sets me up for the rest of the day. 

  5. My alarm is set for 5:20am, even on weekends.

  6. I used to drink up to 5 coffees a day and smoke half a pack of cigarettes! Far out, how times have changed.

  7. Phil is my boyfriend of 7+ years. We met in the first week of uni and hit it off straight away. He says he had to fight for me for the first three months because I didn’t want to commit, but in my mind I was set on him straight from the beginning. I don’t know how I lucked out as much as I did with him, but we’re the best of friends and life partners.

  8. His family has moved around almost as much as mine has. His parents currently lives in Thailand and his sister in Uganda.

  9. I’m such a homebody and always prefer staying in over going out. I don’t mind a cheeky glass of wine with friends, but I prefer a relaxed environment where you can have soul-nourishing conversation rather than screaming at each other over deep house music.

  10. Next bucket list travel destinations are New Zealand and Japan.

  11. I’ve got a laundry list of allergies: bees, antibiotics, hair and eyebrow dye and ant bites, just to name a few. I’ve been in the hospital numerous times for allergic reactions, the craziest probably being when I coloured my eyebrows and woke up not being able to open my eyes because my face was THAT swollen.

  12. I’ve lived in Australia for over 2 ½ years and my family hasn't visited me once! Shame on them…They finally booked their flights for next year March and I’m already plotting the entire itinerary.

  13. I have food stains on 95% of my clothes, being clumsy is a daily struggle and I have a skill for loosing my keys and travel cards.

  14. I have one younger sister (5 years apart) who is adopted from the US. She has the most beautiful Afro hair, although she hates it.

  15. I love playing the “Where are you from"?” guessing game with people. Top guesses usually are: Irish, Scottish, Canadian, American or Swedish. Because I was in an international school system for most of my education, my accent is a weird mumbo jumbo of all kinds of languages.

  16. I truly believe everything happens for a reason. You don’t have control of everything that happens to you, but what you do have control over is how you react in every situation. It’s something I constantly need to remind myself when sh*%t hits the fan, but life is so much easier with this outlook.

  17. I’ve been off the pill for 6 ½ years and only ever took it for about half a year. I realised pretty quickly that I just wasn’t myself on it and that I didn’t want to go through life putting daily hormones into my system. I’ve never looked back!

  18. My favourite productivity hack is called Pomodoro’s. It’s a time management technique where you use a timer to break down your work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short 5-10 minute breaks. During those 25 minutes, there’s no getting up, no Insta scrolling, no distractions, just powering through! Because it’s such a short time, it’s easy to commit and I tend to get my best work done this way.

I hope you enjoyed these little fun facts,

Stef x

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