Caramel Tofu Mousse With Rebel Kitchen Mylk
It's easy, it's decadent, it's super rich, and it's made of tofu. Yes, you read that right - tofu. Tofu blended with my favorite non-dairy milk, a little sweetener and some nuts makes the perfect vegan caramel tofu mousse. I have to admit: I eat this for breakfast as opposed to dessert. It's that good. To me, it tastes like a delicious batch of caramel cookie dough and since I used to be a Ben & Jerrie's cookie dough ice-cream addict (scratch that, I still am), this is like heaven to my taste buds.
A word on soy
Before you go cray cray on me and give me a lecture: I know that there is a lot of controversy surrounding soy and I'm not going to claim to have the answer. What I know for sure is that 91% of soy is genetically modified, it contains phytates and has toxic levels of aluminium and manganese. Those facts are worrisome, to say the least. I found this article on Jess Ainscough's blog very insightful and I recommend you to take a look at it if these facts are new to you.
I agree that processed foods containing soy and inorganic soy in general are big no no's. But this is because they contain isolated soy protein, which multiplies any negative effect the product might have. I think that if you moderately consume ORGANIC soy in the form of tofu, temphe, edamame, miso or any other kind of fermented soy, the health benefits outweigh it's potential dangers. In any case, I believe that it is a healthier alternative to consuming conventional dairy products. Plus, it's a wonderful source of a complete plant-based protein. Advocates of this soylosophy (with that I mean soy philosophy in case no one gets my attempt at being funny) are Kimberly Snyder from "The Beauty Detox Solution" and Kris Carr from "Crazy Sexy Cancer".
Now, I hope I didn't scare you away and that you will be tempted to try this recipe nevertheless. I've tried numerous tofu mousse recipe's before, but always found myself adding extra liquid to the blender to achieve the promised smooth consistency. This might be due to the fact that other foodie blogger's work with a food processor, whereas I rely on another kitchen equipment; my dear friend the Vitamix. That's why I selfishly created this blender-friendly recipe.
I used organic maple syrup and Rebel Kitchen's Chocolate mylk to make the mousse more liquid. If you haven't heard of Rebel Kitchen before, take a look at my recent review here. The "chocolatey" taste of the non-dairy milk added the perfect subtle flavour to the tofu! If you don't have their products at hand, simply substitute with almond or quinoa milk.
"Caramel" Tofu Mousse With Rebel Kitchen Mylk (Serves 2)
1/2 package firm tofu
1 tbsp. Rebel Kitchen chocolate mylk
1 tsp maca powder
1 tbsp. maple syrup
Handful of almonds and walnuts
Β½ cup berries (I used raspebrries)
1 tbsp. organic almond butter or any other type of nut butter
Cut the tofu into pieces and add it to your blender.
Add the maca, chocolate mylk and maple syrup, then process.
Continue to process until the tofu is completely smooth, about 1 minute.
Add in the nuts and keep processing.
Place the tofu in a bowl and top with more nuts, almond butter and raspberries (or whatever else your heart desires).