How To Become a Health Coach - IIN Health Coaching Q&A - Part 3

Now that I’ve covered what a Health Coach is and is not, and my personal journey to becoming a Health Coach, it is time to look at the specifics of how exactly to become a Health Coach. In today’s post, I discuss the details of the The Institute For Integrative Nutrition program, such as the different nutrition theories/ coaching skills/ business skills covered, the time commitment needed to complete your IIN studies and whether or not IIN is suited for people who just want to work on themselves for personal self development reasons but not coach others.


In Part 3 we talk about

  • What exactly IIN is and how it covers different nutrition theories, coaching skills and business skills

IIN is the world's largest nutrition school that offers a year-long online program designed for people who are passionate about health and wellness.  During the studies, health coaches acquire a broad understanding of over 100 different dietary theories as well as coaching tools to mentor people who seek to improve their overall health and wellbeing. IIN also has a business component, where they help you set up your own coaching business, if this is something that you’re interested in. I started coaching right after graduating. You can have a look at what programs I offer here to give you an idea.

  •  The different dietary philosophies you will learn about

In the nutrition part, you’ll study everything from macrobiotics to veganism to sustainable farming and, and learn about the pros and cons of each approach. There’s over 100 different visiting teachers, including people like Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil, Dr Oz and Mark Hyman, which makes the program incredibly versatile and interesting.

  •  The time commitment needed to complete your IIN studies

The learning center is entirely digital, which means you can study anywhere, anytime and it’s totally flexible. I was studying whilst working part-time and already running my blog, and was able to really integrate the studies into my day to day. , I would say I probably spent around 6 hours a week on IIN. The great thing is that you can take it at your own pace, as you can go back and forth between different modules as you please. There’s online tests every couple of weeks so you just want to make sure you’re all caught up by then, but I honestly wouldn’t worry about that as it’s totally doable.

  • Whether or not IIN is suited for people who just want to work on themselves for personal self-development reasons

I get a lot of questions about whether IIN is a good choice if you just want to improve your own health but not necessarily become a coach. My opinion is YES! Doing the course helped me so so much in my own inner journey, not only by learning more about nutrition but about my mental health and overall mindset towards food. I’ve adapted so many incredibly healthy habits from that time and truly think that IIN played a huge role in me becoming a healthier and happier, well-rounded person. Of course, doing IIN you will get a coaching certificate and you will be able to coach others with it as a professional holistic health coach. But you will get just as much out of the program if you are doing it just for yourself. 

You can also learn more about The Institute for Integrative Nutrition by following this link or by downloading the Info Kit, Sample Class and Curriculum Guide below. Otherwise, stay tuned for Part 4 of this 4-part dedicated IIN IGTV series.

In Part 4, we will cover

  • The accreditation of IIN

  • Program intake dates

  • The exact cost of the IIN program

  • How you can save a 4-figure amount on the total tuition fee