
Reminiscing About Phuket Cleanse

Reminiscing About Phuket Cleanse

During my long flight from Zurich to Sydney I cleaned up my laptop a bit and realised I still have loads of pictures from my time at Phuket Cleanse that I haven't shared with you yet. FYI, Phuket Cleanse is an active detox retreat in Thailand that I went to for a couple days last year and totally fell in love with.

Since I'm still getting set up here in Sydney and am currently apartment hunting and doing bunch of other admin stuff, I thought I'd just share these pictures with you guys until I find time to take up blogging again!

Enjoy, xx

P.S.: For a full review of my stay at Phuket Cleanse, click here.

Wholesome Travel Guide to Hong Kong & Phuket

Wholesome Travel Guide to Hong Kong & Phuket

When traveling, I find it imporant to find the right balance between staying true to your food philosophy whilst allowing yourself to discover the local food culture.

It’s not always easy, but it’s doable. Remember that being vegan/vegetarian (or whatever it is that you are) is adventurous, and so is travel – your sense of exploration coupled with an open mind and the willingness to learn new things will take you around the world with no problem at all!