Holistic Health Coach

My Honest Review Of The Institute For Integrative Nutrition

My Honest Review Of The Institute For Integrative Nutrition

It's been about a year since I completed my health coaching course through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and this post is long overdue. I'm often asked by others about my opinion of the course and if I think it's a good program.

The answer is....maybe.

Personally, I was absolutely wowed by the course. It was exactly what I was looking for and I loved every minute of it. It changed my life and has allowed me to create this beautiful passion-fuelled life I now live. It has helped me heal myself, connected me with like-minded individuals all around the world and has enabled me to inspire people to live their life to their fullest.

But whether IIN is a good choice for you, depends on YOU and what you’re after. Let’s have a closer look:

Loving Lately - 31.10.16

Loving Lately - 31.10.16

It's time for a new Loving Lately post! In case you missed the last one, take a look here. I absolutely love writing about the ish I am into and currently there's a lot. From natural skin care to toxic-free home cleaning supplies and my latest activewear obsessions, here's a little overview of what I'm loving at the moment.

There's some promo codes for you guys below in case you want to try some of the things for yourself, so keep your eyes open for those!

Why It's Time For Everyone To Recognize Meditation's Healing Power

Why It's Time For Everyone To Recognize Meditation's Healing Power

Before I got into health and fitness the way I am now, I was one of those people that considered meditation a "waste of time". I mean, why would I just sit there quiet and not do anything for 15 minutes, if I could be running around ticking stuff off my to-do list?! Time is precious, after all.

But with time I realised that slowing down is actually a good thing and that it's necessary. In fact, becoming more mindful and present in the moment was a big part of my recovery journey.

It wasn't easy to start with, to say the least. For the longest time, even just five minutes of sitting and breathing was extremely difficult. It was like a crazy jungle party in my brain 24/7 and I always felt like I wasn't doing it right...

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall...How To See Beauty When You Look Into The Mirror

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall...How To See Beauty When You Look Into The Mirror

I used to hate looking into the mirror.

Maybe it was because I didn't like seeing my uneven nose and un-chizzled cheekbones.

Maybe it was because I didn't like the way my hair fell flat along my face. 

Maybe it was because of the extra pounds that I'd been carrying around with me and tried so desperately to rid myself of; a graphic reminder of my lack of self-control.

Those days are in the past and I have since then learned to embrace what I see in the mirror every day. But it was a long and hard journey...

Today, I've invited optimism and life coach, international motivational speaker and author of The Optimist In You, Jessica J. Lockhart, to talk about the complicated relationship most of us have with the mirror.

You look in the mirror. Your image looks back at you. But do you truly see yourself? Do you see your soul, your being, your humanity? Do you see the person behind the mirror? Most people don't.

My Current Morning Routine

My Current Morning Routine

Living a healthier life doesn't have to be rocket science. Often it's the small things that make the difference. It can be as simple as getting out of bed a bit earlier and dedicating just a small part of your day to yourself. For me personally, having a self-centred morning routine has done amazing things to my life and that's why I would love to share my daily morning routine with you guys.