
Buckwheat Chocolate Granola

Buckwheat Chocolate Granola

Good morning and Merry Christmas to ya’ll! Depending on where you are, you might still be eagerly awaiting christmas eve and the unpacking of presents, like I currently am. The rest of the fam is out doing some last minute grocery shopping, so I decided to seize the moment to turn on some cheesy christmas jingles and get busy in the kitchen. The smell that wavered out of the kitchen half an hour later made me feel like I had landed in Willi Wonka's chocolate factory, to say the least.  I’ve actually been meaning to share this recipe with you guys for a while, but I’m still struggling to take nice pictures with this gloomy winter lighting and just couldn’t get the pictures right. They finally turned out to my liking, I hope you agree.

Superfood Snack: Peanut Butter - Covered Bananas

Superfood Snack: Peanut Butter - Covered Bananas

Snacking can be tricky on a totally clean lifestyle because pretty much all the store bought snacks are out of question. So you have to be a bit creative when that afternoon sugar dip hits in and you are craving something sweet. I must admit, this snack isn't on-the-go friendly, but if you are at home and are rummaging through your  pantry in desperate search of chocolate, try this superfood snack: peanut butter - covered bananas instead.

I’m sure you all know why bananas are so good for you with all of their plant protein, potassium and fibre. But the real celebs of this recipes are the different superfoods sprinkled on top!