healthy breakfast

Buckwheat Chocolate Granola

Buckwheat Chocolate Granola

Good morning and Merry Christmas to ya’ll! Depending on where you are, you might still be eagerly awaiting christmas eve and the unpacking of presents, like I currently am. The rest of the fam is out doing some last minute grocery shopping, so I decided to seize the moment to turn on some cheesy christmas jingles and get busy in the kitchen. The smell that wavered out of the kitchen half an hour later made me feel like I had landed in Willi Wonka's chocolate factory, to say the least.  I’ve actually been meaning to share this recipe with you guys for a while, but I’m still struggling to take nice pictures with this gloomy winter lighting and just couldn’t get the pictures right. They finally turned out to my liking, I hope you agree.

Caramel Tofu Mousse With Rebel Kitchen Mylk

Caramel Tofu Mousse With Rebel Kitchen Mylk

It's easy, it's decadent, it's super rich, and it's made of tofu. Yes, you read that right - tofu.  Tofu blended with my favorite non-dairy milk, a little sweetener and some nuts makes the perfect vegan caramel tofu mousse. I have to admit: I eat this for breakfast as opposed to dessert. It's that good. To me, it tastes like a delicious batch of caramel cookie dough and since I used to be a Ben & Jerrie's cookie dough ice-cream addict (scratch that, I still am), this is like heaven to my taste buds.

Products I Love: Rebel Kitchen Mylk

Products I Love: Rebel Kitchen Mylk

I'm always on the lookout for new healthy and "clean" brands, so you can imagine my delight when I discovered Rebel Kitchen during one of my last visits to Hiltl in Zurich. I was even more excited when the Rebel Team contacted me a few weeks ago and proposed for me to try their full range of mylks. Of course I jumped at this opportunity!

Rebel Kitchen’s mylks are the definition of wholesome, unprocessed drinks as they only contain few basic ingredients: Coconut milk, water, date nectar and cacao. I’m a coconut addict, so the fact that they’re made from coconut milk is a big tick in my box. They contain absolutely no additives, no preservatives and so, no worries. I'm also thrilled that they use cacao instead of cocoa. In case you didn't know, cocoa is the processed, heated version of raw cacao and hence only contains a small percentage of the "feel good" nutrients that it's natural alternative has to offer. It just goes to show that we don't need loads of unpronounceable chemical ingredients in order to make our food taste good.