sami bloom

Healthspo Talk with Sami Bloom

Healthspo Talk with Sami Bloom

I love doing these #healthspotalks and I hope that you find them as inspirational, motivational and fun as I do. Isn't it great to see that there are so many like-minded individuals working on making this world a healthier and happier place? Gimme a hell yeah! This months' beautiful soul is Sami from Sami Bloom. I stumbled across her feed a couple of weeks ago and was (a) mesmerized at how she manages to make kale look like the most gorgeous flower and (b) inspired by her life story, having gone from working in law and advertising agencies around NYC and Sydney to  following your passion for health. Today she is a health coach, yoga teacher and is studying nutritional medicine to delve deeper into the topics she loves so much. Let's have a little chat with her, shall we?