
A Word On Organic Vs. Non-Organic Produce

A Word On Organic Vs. Non-Organic Produce

I know how confusing it can be to navigate the conflicting and ever – changing health philosophies that are out there. Fat makes you fat. No wait, fat is good for you. Fruits are healthy. No, fruit has too much sugar! Don’t eat carbs after 5 PM. 801010 all the way! The conflicting advice is never ending. What are we supposed to believe?

I am still on a journey of discovery and experimenting with different food philosophies. I have gone from vegetarian to trying to be fully vegan to attempting 801010 for a week. I believe in the long term healthy benefits of a high carb diet, but I wouldn't mind having a six pack, so shouldn't I eat high protein and low carb instead? I am not the one to give you answers to all your health and nutrition questions, that’s for sure.

Caramel Tofu Mousse With Rebel Kitchen Mylk

Caramel Tofu Mousse With Rebel Kitchen Mylk

It's easy, it's decadent, it's super rich, and it's made of tofu. Yes, you read that right - tofu.  Tofu blended with my favorite non-dairy milk, a little sweetener and some nuts makes the perfect vegan caramel tofu mousse. I have to admit: I eat this for breakfast as opposed to dessert. It's that good. To me, it tastes like a delicious batch of caramel cookie dough and since I used to be a Ben & Jerrie's cookie dough ice-cream addict (scratch that, I still am), this is like heaven to my taste buds.